EC-Simulator - Real-time EtherCAT® Network Simulation


Version Description HTML PDF
3.2 EC-Simulator-HiL Quickstart Guide - PDF
User Manual HTML PDF
Release Notes - PDF
EC-Simulator-SiL Quickstart Guide - PDF
User Manual HTML PDF
Release Notes - PDF
EC-Simulator Python Programming Interface HTML PDF
3.1 EC-Simulator User Manual HTML PDF
EC-Simulator Python Programming Interface HTML PDF
EC-Simulator Release Notes - PDF


EC-Simulator Tutorial: Installation and Initial Setup with Example Application

EC-Simulator is a software framework for simulating EtherCAT Devices and Networks. Please check out our EC-Simulator playlist for more information and future in-depth tutorials.

FAQ3400: How can I add CoE objects that are not part of the generic dictionary?

To simulate CoE objects that are not part of the generic dictionary, the objects can be added to the EXI file.

The EC-Engineer provides declaration means within the CoE section at the Simulator tab of the Device Editor.

Last update on 2021-11-08 by EtherCAT Support Team.

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